Why Do I Need A Water Softener?

Home / Water Conditioning Waterloo / Why Do I Need A Water Softener?

Water Softener Waterloo OntarioIf you own a home in Guelph, Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, or the surrounding area, chances are you also own a Water Softener. A Water Softener is a device that removes hard water scale…spots on dishes and cutlery, buildup on kettles, dishwashers, bathroom and kitchen faucets, etc.!

There are two main sources of water: ground water and surface water. Ground water in Guelph, Kitchener, Waterloo and Cambridge, which comes from wells, is high in calcium and magnesium…hard water scale! Surface water – water that comes from rain, rivers and lakes – is generally less ‘hard’. Due to the hard water that most homes in Southern Ontario are supplied with, a Water Softener is an essential piece of equipment in your home.

The elements found in hard water are sometimes a nuisance to you, your family, or your household. Soft water is much gentler on skin and it helps to maintain the softness of your laundry. It also eliminates scale deposits and buildup on your water heater, fixtures, and even your cutlery, glasses and dishes. The buildup from hard water that occurs in your water heater and pipes forces your water system to work harder and use more energy! This strain can decrease the lifespan of your water heater, and you may need to replace it prematurely.

[button style=”readmore” align=”none” href=”http://www.wqa.org/Portals/0/WQRF/ResearchStudy_BenefitsOfSoftenedWater_ExecSummary.pdf” title=”Learn More” target=”_blank” icon=”” icon_align=”left” icon_size=”” icon_style=”” icon_c=”” icon_bc=”” icon_bgc=”” icon_bgc_hover=”” size=”normal”]
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  • Sandra Guti

    I would like to get information about water softeners either rent it or buy it


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